I'm calling this cable pattern Chained Circles. Or maybe Circles in Chains? Too 'Fifty Shades'? ha! I think Chained Circles may be better...
I came up with this out of my brain. However, I CANNOT believe that no one else has done this fun little cable before. So I looked, and looked, and looked online and I cannot find it anywhere. Did I really invent something new?? Naw... doubtful. More likely I just can't find it. SOOOO...
Homework assignment #1 -- Does anyone know of this cable being used somewhere else? If so, I'd love to call it the right thing! ;)
OK... now on to the next perplexing dilemma. What to call a poncho with sleeves? It's almost a REALLY drop shouldered sweater. But more poncho-y. My concern is calling it a poncho. This thing is hip, modern and OH SO fun! And unfortunately people have pre-conceived notions of a 'poncho'. Eeeek. Not good. So I'm kinda leaning toward calling it a sweater instead. But I really feel like we need a new word for this awesomeness. Well... you'll see. So that brings us to...
Homework assignment #2 -- Anyone have any ideas of what to call a 1/2 poncho 1/2 sweater?? That sounds cool, amazing and totally something everyone would want? :)
Whoever gives me the best answer (in my opinion) for each of the assignments will win a free pattern! Whoohooo! Unfortunately I have limited time for this as the pattern will be ready soon. So put your suggestions in the comments below by Friday, March 13th!
Let's finish with a couple more shots of the blocked and drying pieces of the... sweatero? ponter? dang... I've got nothing! HELP!